Understanding the Correlations Between Sleep and Mental Well-being
Quality of sleep has been seen to play a large role in the mental state of a person, inadequate or insufficient amounts of sleep can increase emotional responses in both children and teenagers causing them to be more irritable or impulsive. Their quality of sleep can influence factors such as their concentration, attention span, memory, and more. A lack of sleep has also been linked with an elevated risk of mental health disorders such as depression or anxiety. It is crucial to realize the signs of sleep deficiencies in order to lessen the intensity of the symptoms.
The Importance of Establishing a Routine
Sleep schedules play as well as bedtime routines can help ensure your teenager/child is getting the right amount of sleep needed for their body. Not getting the right amount of sleep can impact several factors as outlined above when attempting to create a routine with your child or teenager. It is important to ensure you as a parent/guardian are presenting them with the necessary conditions. A few components of an efficient sleep routine include
- Avoiding caffeinated beverages-Often times, drinking caffeinated beverages in the late afternoons and evenings can cause difficulties in going to bed.
- Sticking to one routine- For children and teenagers, consistently sticking to one routine which can include certain calming activities such as reading, taking a bath, meditating, or even journaling before bed can allow them to feel relaxed before bed.
- Creating a soothing environment- An environment in which the child/teenager feels comfortable and is quiet can help ease them into going to bed.
- Avoiding electronics before bed- It has been seen that the use of electronics right before bed can cause a disruption in the production of melatonin, a hormone that controls the timing of your circadian rhythm.
- Breathing exercises/gentle yoga- Both of these can help your child/teenager feel significantly more relaxed.
Common Struggles Children and Teenagers Face in Terms of Getting The Right Amount of Sleep
A few common struggles children and teenagers can face while they are falling asleep or asleep include sleepwalking, sleep terrors when they wake up in the middle of the night frightened, or sleep paralysis: a temporary loss of control of their muscles typically right after falling asleep.A few more that are a little less common include different movement disorders which interfere with their sleeping, sleep apnea, as well as other developmental disorders. All these factors can affect the quality of their sleep, also affecting their mental well-being. One of the main ways to overcome these disruptions is identifying the possible causes and reasons behind the disruptions they experience can be extremely helpful. Oftentimes, the main reason can be stress, significant happening changes in their life, or even an undiagnosed sleep disorder but due to the fact that it varies from child to child, it can be different. It is important to recognize if they are still experiencing sleep problems for a long period of time, it may be helpful to receive guidance from a medical professional.