Understanding Exam Stress
As the school year starts and your workload starts picking up more, you may also find yourself facing the added anxiety and stress that comes with testing/exams whether it is your SAT, ACT, or just class tests. Exam stress is defined as the feeling of tension, worry, or anxiety that you feel as a result of tests. Anxiety is especially common in this context for teenagers and young adults due to the fact that the outcome of the test can be unpredictable and is out of your control no matter the amount of studying you have done. A few other factors that can cause a significant amount of anxiety in terms of test-taking include a fear of failure, pressure from teachers/parents, a lack of preparation, having high expectations of yourself, and perfectionism. Stress and anxiety can have great effects on a young adult not just mentally, but physically as well. When it comes to the physical aspects, immense amounts of stress can result in being fatigued, having trouble sleeping, digestive issues, muscle aches and headaches, and more. Regarding the mental aspects, stress can result in being easily irritable, difficulties concentrating on your memory, mood swings, and high levels of anxiety. This is why it is essential to find ways to manage your time effectively and find a good balance between academics and relaxation.
The importance of having a good balance between studying and downtime
It is essential to have a balanced approach to studying with regular and timely breaks in order to avoid getting burnt out and large amounts of stress. These breaks don’t necessarily have to be structured, they can be things such as taking a short walk, listening to music, a personal hobby, meditating, just talking to someone, and more. Making sure to take breaks between studying can not only decrease anxiety and stress levels tremendously but can also significantly increase your retention and your focus as during the time the break is taken, the connections between the neurons in the brain get stronger. Taking breaks between studying can give your brain the time it needs to rest which is necessary. It is important to be able to recognize when your body needs a break, a few of the more common signs include experiencing difficulties concentrating, getting frustrated, feeling restless, and more.
Effective study tips to implement into your day-to-day life
Though the method in which an individual studies varies greatly based on personal preferences, a few effective study tips that you can implement into your day-to-day life that can be helpful to avoid getting overwhelmed and stressed include:
- Creating a study schedule: study schedules are known to significantly reduce stress and anxiety levels because they allow the individual to feel more in control and prepared. It also helps hold you more accountable.
- Breaking down bigger tasks into smaller ones: Doing this can make the process of studying less overwhelming.
- Active recall: Active recall is a study technique that includes actively remembering the information rather than passively reading it such as with a textbook or notebook. An example of active recall includes using flashcards. Doing so can help you feel significantly more confident and prepared for the exam, reducing stress and anxiety.
- Pomodoro technique: the Pomodoro technique is a time-management method that relies on 25-30 minute periods of studying and 5-10 minute breaks in between them. This method is especially helpful to people who tend to struggle with procrastination. It can help encourage focus, in turn, making you feel more prepared.
Tips to help manage stress and reduce anxiety
Considering the great effect stress can have on an individual both mentally and physically, it is extremely important to have the ability to manage your stress. A few things that can help by a large amount include:
- Making sure to get in physical activity
- Eating a balanced diet.
- Minimizing screen time/phone use
- Giving yourself “me-time”
- Not being too hard on yourself
Overall, exam stress is something a large majority of students are affected by and it is crucial to find the study and relaxation methods that work for you in order to avoid mental and physical burnout.